Hamster Joy

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies in Hamster Cage

Fruit flies and other types of flies are a big no-no not only for you but even for your hamsters. What’s worse is that flies are not just annoying because they can also be quite dangerous, particularly if you are clueless about what attracted them.

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies in Hamster Cage

This is why it is important to learn how to get rid of fruit flies in hamster cage. Read on below to discover some tips you can follow to keep your little one safe and sound.

Change Bedding Regularly

Make it your habit to change the bedding of your hamster once a week. Hamsters love hiding their food under the bedding. As a result, this can give off a foul smell if you don’t clean the leftovers at regular intervals. Fruit flies won’t get anywhere near the cage as long as the environment and surroundings are always tidy and clean.

Clean the Enclosure

Keeping the cage of your hamster clean is a must to drive the fruit flies away. Flies are always attracted to leftovers, scatterings, and dirt.

You can use a semi-dry cloth and a disinfectant solution for cleaning the cage of your hamster. You should clean your hamster’s cage at least once weekly for your little pet to stay healthy and fit.

Choose the Best Enclosure

To get rid of fruit flies in your hamster’s cage, one of the most important steps you can take is to make sure that you pick the best enclosure for your pet. The enclosure should be comfortable and safe at the same time.

A glass cage is often the best choice if you feel that your pet is in any form of danger due to fruit flies. These glass cages can prevent flies from entering the cage and harming your hamsters. While it is true that glass cages might be a bit expensive, you can expect to get your money’s worth because they work wonders.

Put the Cage in the Right Spot

Avoid placing your hamster’s cage near drainage systems. You should also avoid keeping the cage in any side rooms like storage units.

You should always pick a well-ventilated and well-lit spot for the cage of your hamster. Keeping the hamster’s cage in dry chances will minimize the risks of fly attacks.

Remove Stale Food

Fruit flies are attracted to the foul smell of stale food. As mentioned earlier, hamsters often hide their food in the corner of the cage or their bedding. See to it that you clean these spots properly. If you don’t remove food leftovers, these will attract flies in just a few hours.

Use Leakproof Water Bottles

The water bottles in a hamster’s cage usually have leaks that can make the bedding wet. If you don’t check regularly, you might also not notice that there is a crack in the water bottle. These cracks can lead to dripping water that can dampen the area.

See to it that you only use good quality bottles for your hamster. While cheap bottles may sound like a good option for your pocket, these will only create more serious problems after several days. Also, always check the water bottles regularly for any cracks or leaks.

Use Flystrike Protectors

Flystrike protectors can come in handy to safeguard your little ones from the annoying fruit flies. But if things are not looking good and there are already maggots attacking your hamsters, your best option is to visit a vet. Avoid pulling out the maggots with your hands because you might hurt your hamster in the process.

Put Up Fly Traps

Flytraps are also efficient tools for getting rid of fruit flies in hamster cages. You can buy these flytraps in many stores. Just make sure you use odor-free and chemical-free straps.

What Types of Flies Do Hamsters Attract?

It is common for hamsters to attract fruit flies, blowflies, houseflies, and bugs. These flies are often attracted to leftover food and smelly places. This is why it is important to clean your hamster’s cage regularly.

These flies can lay eggs in the hamsters’ manure that might prove to be fatal. Make sure that you regularly dispose of animal wastes.

What is a Flystrike?

Flystrike is a condition caused by flies that affect large numbers of animals all over the world. During this condition, the flies lay their eggs in the animals’ manure. The hatched maggots, later on, feed on the flesh of the animals. This condition is serious enough and requires attention from the vet immediately.

Flystrike is a very common disease among hamsters. In fact, many hamsters die every year because of flystrike. So once again, it is imperative to clean the feces and urine of your hamsters regularly.

What to Do If Your Hamsters Have a Flystrike

Flystrike can be a fatal situation. This disease can be a very life-threatening condition for hamsters. This is why you must take your hamsters to the vet at the soonest time possible. This is a situation that needs the immediate attention of a professional without wasting any minute.

Never attempt taking out the maggots on your own as it can only make the situation worse. Your hamster may need to undergo surgery and be given painkillers afterward. Avoid rushing things and trying to medicate your hamster on your own. Visiting the vet will always be the safest and best solution.

Are Fruit Flies Attracted to Hamster Hay?

Yes, flies are also attracted to soggy hay. The hay that you use as bedding for your hamsters is often moist all the time because of the leaking water bottles and the urine of your pets.

Always use high-quality hay with excellent water absorption capacity. Make sure you also change your hamster’s bedding at least once weekly to prevent these problems.

The Bottom Line

Unfortunately, hamsters attract fruit flies in many different ways. This is why learning how to get rid of them is important for both cleanliness and health purposes. In a worst-case scenario of flystrike, better take your hamsters to the vet immediately.

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